InprintStat Editing & Statistical Consulting, LLC. is headquartered in New York, USA. The company focuses on helping clinical and basic biomedical researchers whose native language is Chinese improve their English academic writing, facilitate scientific presentations, as well as provide an expert level of statistical consulting and peripheral support. Majority of our professionals graduated from and work at the medical, academic or research institutions in the US, holding a US MD or PhD degree and having long-term firsthand clinical and research experience. All final editing and proofing staff are native speakers of English.

The name InprintStat contains both the academic editing and statistical consulting services provided by the company; it also stems from our personal experience of publishing articles. In print is an exciting stage of affirmation of the past work and at the same time letting us look forward to the future. All staff are hoping to convey this exciting spirit to you, and with our many years of rich professional experience and customer-oriented service, to maximize your chances of publication and career achievements.